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Why I Donat Care About Being Popular Anymorei?1/4

In middle school, being popular felt like the most important thing in the world. I just wanted to fit in and be liked. I tried so hard to impress the acool kidsa and obsessed over my social media followers. But pursuing popularity made me utterly miserable.

I had low self-esteem and based my worth on external validation. I posted endless photos and memes seeking compliments and filtered my true self. I changed how I dressed, talked and acted to gain approval from others. But inside, I felt like a fraud.

My insecurity reached its peak after a falling out with friendsa in my freshman year. I realized the people I was trying so hard to impress didn't really care about me. They only wanted me around when I provided entertainment or boosted their status.

In that dark time, I turned to food and gaming to cope. I stopped hanging out with people and isolated myself. My grades tanked. I thought my life was over without her.

But with the support of my mentors, I realized the truth: I was chasing shallow friendships. None of those people knew the real me. They didnat care when I was hurting. They just wanted entertainment, not authentic connection.

I decided that I would rather have three real friends than 300 fake ones. I committed to embracing my true self, quirks and all. I invested in people who lifted me up as I was, not who I pretended to be. As actress Zendaya has said, "Don't change or dim your light for anyone."

Letting go of my obsession with popularity freed me. I no longer tie my self-worth to likes or followers. I focus on developing my talents, helping others, and deepening true bonds.

Here is my advice to teens who think being popular is #goals: Donat believe the myth. Insecurity fuels the quest for popularity. You are enough as you are. Choose friends wisely. Show compassion. Pursue purpose, not passive approval. Your worth isnat defined by your reputation. Focus inward, not outward.

The right people will appreciate the real, imperfect and quirky you. Release the burden of conformity. Celebrate your individuality. Spread kindness. Victory is living authentically. Self-love attracts belonging. Value substance over surface-level status.

Popularity fades, but your impact and principles endure. Blaze your own trail. The path to fulfillment starts from within.

Colton Fidelman is the author of the Book, The Teenage Guide to Success. Unlock the secret to teen success with 'The TICK TOCK Formula' - a modern compelling blend of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens' and the powerful insights of 'Start with Why'. This book empowers teenagers to conquer challenges, fulfill their passions, and make a world-changing impact, guided by the wisdom of twenty remarkable trailblazers.

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The Science of Happiness: Proven Habits for a Fulfilling Life

The majority of Americans are not experiencing much happiness these days. According to a poll, only 19% of the surveyed individuals described themselves as "very happy." Other comparable studies also demonstrated low happiness ratings. While not entirely surprising given the turbulent economy and other concerns, these insights reveal that many people are not reaping the benefits of daily fulfillment.

Happiness has long been associated with numerous personal and familial benefits. When we are happy, we are less likely to be burdened by the devastating effects of stress, such as an increased risk of developing cardiovascular conditions. We can also increase our productivity, which can positively impact our ability to find employment and earn promotions.

If you are attracted to the advantages of happiness, you can take steps to cultivate your happiness. Making just a few adjustments to your schedule, activities, and mindset can profoundly impact the joy, peace, and gratitude you experience.

1. Practice being in the moment.

When your mind seems racing every minute of every day, it's hard to feel happy or content. On the contrary, you are more likely to be overwhelmed by worry and frustration. The solution to controlling your thoughts is to practice mindfulness.

From a broad perspective, mindfulness is living in the present moment. Practicing this helps you stay grounded and enables you to concentrate on the positive events occurring. To get started, consider using technology to your advantage. Top free meditation apps, such as Mindfulness, Smiling Mind, and Healthy Minds Program, can serve as a springboard for improving your ability to stay present and prevent your worries from wandering.

2. Stay connected with others.

Globally, around one-quarter of adults report experiencing loneliness. Isolation and loneliness only exacerbate unhappiness. Therefore, a key way to break the cycle of unhappiness is to surround yourself with people whose presence uplifts you.

These could be anyone from family members and friends to neighbors or recreational sports teammates. They could also be colleagues. For example, if you usually work from home, consider scheduling in-person or online gatherings with coworkers. You will feel more socially connected and less isolated.

3. Focus on your body.

Neglecting your physical and nutritional well-being will only contribute to your unhappiness. With that in mind, let's get started. Every day, participate in an activity for at least 30 minutes. Just walking your dog can improve your mood.

In addition to exercising, nourish your body with healthier foods. Too many of us have embraced a fast-food, UberEats lifestyle. The less nutritious your meals are, the worse your body will feel. That does not help increase your happiness.

4. Set aside time for activities you like.

Do you feel like your days and nights are so busy that you never get the chance to take a break? Your busy schedule might be contributing to your lack of fulfillment. Rather than continuing on the same path, slow down. Take a break once in a while and indulge in your favorite hobby.

Do you love to read? Allow yourself to read for at least 15 minutes uninterrupted before bedtime. It's a good way to quiet your thoughts and step away from the overstimulation of screens. Are you someone who enjoys working with your hands? Engage in an activity such as woodworking, painting, crocheting, or baking. You will experience an endorphin rush from doing something enjoyable.

When you're happy, you can feel better about your life and bring your best self to everything you do. You can also serve as a role model for happiness for those around you. Therefore, start working on finding your "happy place" right away. It's beneficial for you and those in your circle of influence.

Mike Szczesny is the owner and vice president of EDCO Awards & Specialties, a dedicated supplier of employee recognition products, branded merchandise, custom awards, and athletic awards. Szczesny takes pride in EDCO's ability to help companies go the extra mile in expressing gratitude and appreciation to their employees. He resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.   

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How To Approach Exercise in 2024

A survey has been conducted by Forbes to calculate how long New Yearas resolutions last among peoplea|.

53% of people gave up within 3 months, and only 1% made it to the full 12 months.

Itas safe to say there is a problem in how we approach goal-setting, and since aimprove fitnessa was the most common resolution, we have to change how we approach exercising in 2024 to stick to our objectives.

But how could one do that?

Make It Your Identitya|Not Just A Phase

As we all know, starting a habit is easy, itas keeping it up that gets tricky. 

This is because most people (myself included) tend to establish a habit to remove an unpleasant feeling.

aI want to lose weighta translates to an individual wanting to remove that unpleasant feeling of being overweight, and therefore wants to take action.

This is a good way to approach exercise, but there are many downfalls to this method: What if you lose weight, would you stop exercising then? Or aI lost weight for 2 weeks in a row, Iall take this week offa.

A better way to rewire your brain to stick to exercising is a concept introduced by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. He stated that changing how you think about the habit and making it part of your identity increases the chances that it sticks around.

For example: aI want to lose weighta could become aIam a fit persona or aIam an active persona. 

My personal example for this year was to start taking ice baths every day. I told myself aI am someone who takes care of his mind and bodya, and itas a habit that is still going strong to this day!

By thinking like this, you change how you view yourself and give more importance to the habits, simply because you are now personally connected to them.

Get Familiar With The 4 Phases Of The Journey

Alex Hormozi, a famous internet personality and YouTuber, talked about 4 stages each individual goes through when indulging in a new activity:

  1. Uninformed Optimism. The part where you get that surge of motivation and you are ready to dive head first into your new fitness habit.
  2. Informed Pessimism. Slowly, you realize that itas not as easy and rewarding as you first thought. This is the part where you realize what it's going to take.
  3. Crisis Of Meaning. The make-or-break phase, where you either quit and tell yourself aThis isnat what I signed up fora. You question everything, and you fall out of your comfort zone.
  4. Informed Optimism. Few people get to this stage. This is where you decide to rewire your brain and change how you approach the new habit. You get excited again for the journey, but you are now informed!

Knowing these steps is important because you get familiar with your feelings, and take more control of yourself.

Track Everything (And Hold Yourself Accountable)

In 2024, technology continues to play a significant role in shaping our fitness journeys. 

Leverage the power of fitness trackers, apps, and smart devices to monitor your progress. 

While tracking is the best way to monitor your progress, it also is a great way to get satisfied with your results, and this is because you can see every win.

Imagine a week where you went 3 times to the gym (for the first time)...I promise you that you will feel on top of the world!

Track everything!!! The number of times you exercise, your repetitions, your sets, your weight,  your weight limits, your BPM while running, etc.. There are many self-improvement apps at our disposal, use them.

Put Yourself In The Best Conditions To Succeed

Our environment shapes our behaviors, there is no cheat code to it.

Our lifestyle, our schedule, our entourage, our mental health, and everything that surrounds us dictate how we act on a daily basis.

Putting your mind and body in a good space is key to you reaching your resolutions. Donat be afraid to redesign your life and adjust yourself to get a workout.

If you get tired in the evening, try to exercise in the morning. Prioritize a workout over going out with your friends (Going out after exercising is a great feeling, for those who didnat know).

And finally, the most daunting subject in the fitness world is paying attention to what you eat. A healthy eating habit goes hand in hand with exercisinga|they boost each other.

Notice how I didnat say diet, but healthy eating habits. Switch to whole foods, get your macros in, and sub in some superfoods or super-drinksa|there are many ways to stay fit and hydrated.

You donat have to track every calorie you eat or drinka|this isnat a convenient way of life. 

The saying goes: aathe best workout is the one you stick toa, this applies to eating habits as well!

Keep Adjusting

One thing about building a habit is that it requires building. Exercising is a pretty major change in oneas life, and the individual has to adapt to it.

Most fitness habits fall apart because they donat get adjusted.

There are going to be moments where you wonat be able to work out, or the workouts wonat feel as productive, or you feel you havenat made progressa|

These moments are normal. Itas important to recognize when these moments happen and tell yourself itas temporary.

Falling short is expected, and not a major problem. The best way to approach this problem is to simply adjust. If one type of exercise isnat working for you, change it.

There are many ways to reach a goal, you just have to find yoursa|whether itas getting stronger through powerlifting, swimming or cycling for cardio, or even practicing jiu-jitsu for weight loss.

Trial and error is your best friend on this journey. Try new things you see online, copy someoneas habits, and stop doing exercise that hurts too much. 

Itas supposed to be hard, but not unbearablea|Once your habit is shaped and it fits your life like a puzzle, it will all pay off.

Ask For Helpa|Itas Your Right

One of the worst feelings out there is working so hard on something, and seeing it going to waste. 

Asking for help, especially in the fitness community, isa|expected.

Nobody figures it out on their own. Ask for an opinion on which exercises to do, the proper form, and what to eat to support your journey.

Help can also be in the form of a training partner. The benefits of a fitness partner-in-crime are endless, from motivating each other, holding ourselves accountable, spotting your form, correcting each other, you name it.

However, itas important to not rely on a training partner. This is because your schedule could interfere, and you end up missing some sessions for a reason out of your control.

Instead, what I do is set a schedule for myself where my partner is available, and if he/she doesnat show up, I could still do a solo session.

Go The Extra Mile (Smarter, Not Harder)

I suggest going the extra mile to ensure you keep yourself on track and get excited about your progress.

But how can you go the extra mile without burning out? 

This is the tricky parta|Less is more in fitness, and you have to manage yourself and listen to your body.

Going the extra mile can mean recovering your body by going into a sauna after a workout, for example. Or hire a personal trainer for more support. Or reading and informing yourself about the best practices. 

Remember, weare in 2024, resources are limitless, and you are one article away from reaching your goals!

Final Thoughts

Setting resolutions is easy, itas respecting them thatas hard. Changing our approach is crucial to reaching a successful year in fitness.

And this approach is not only limited to fitness, it can translate to every other area of life.

If you have a habit that you would like to keep up but are struggling to do, now you know that is something you can work ona|and that starts with rewiring the brain.

Rayen Monzer is a soccer player and passionate health writer who aims to inspire people to live their best lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. He is the owner of Rayas Lifestyle Field, a blog about improving oneas health through physical exercise and activities.

(This article was reviewed by psychologist Fouad Monzer)

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Use These 3 Writing Principles to Boost Self-Confidence

How often do you try to persuade people and convey your ideas to others?

For students working on essays or professionals engaging in a debate, it's a regular activity. They know the principles of argumentative writing inside and out, and they use them.

For others, those principles can become an efficient practice to enhance self-confidence. Even when keeping a journal, writing a diary, or practicing reflective essays, you can implement three fundamental principles of argumentative writing to grow communication skills, self-esteem, and attitude toward yourself.

What are these principles? How can you implement them in the writing practices aimed at self-reflection? Is written persuasion helpful?

Let's get this straight.

Principle 1: Understanding the Topic

To construct a convincing argument, writers should understand the topic they describe. They don't simply sit and put words on paper but do research and gather relevant information from credible sources.

What does it have to do with your self-confidence?

Make it a habit to use the above principle of argumentative writing whenever you need to discuss something and persuade an interlocutor. Don't start a discussion without strong evidence at hand.

When you write or talk about something previously researched, you'll feel more confident in what you say.

How to use this principle of argumentative writing?

Start by delving into the topic and uncovering different viewpoints. Look for reputable sources such as scholarly articles, books, and reliable websites to support your claims. Collect evidence and examples that reinforce your position.


You will only do that sometimes before meeting with a friend. It's your leisure time, after all.

Yet, this principle is worth considering when writing a blog or social media post to express your position on a particular issue.

Also, it can come in handy during a job interview. Or when you network with experts in your niche and want to look professional and confident in your message.

Dive deeper into the topic by identifying key terms and concepts. Analyze the underlying issues and complexities involved, allowing you to provide a more nuanced argument. This comprehensive understanding will enable you to speak confidently about the subject matter.

Principle 2: Structuring Your Argument

The structure of your argument matters:

By logically organizing your thoughts and ideas, you create a roadmap that guides the audience through it.

Think of your argument as if it's a well-structured essay:

  1. Start with a compelling hook to grab the audience's attention. (It can be an intriguing fact or a thought-provoking question on the topic.)
  2. Provide context for your audience to understand your point and state your thesis (the main argument why a or why not a you support the issue).
  3. Use logical reasoning and critical thinking to strengthen your claims. Present your supporting evidence to be more confident about what you say. Additionally, you can address counterarguments to showcase your ability to evaluate opposing viewpoints and refute them effectively.
  4. Summarize everything and emphasize the significance of your arguments again. You can restate your thesis once again. Also, think of some food for thought for the audience: Encourage further reflection.

Principle 3: Persuasive Language and Rhetoric

The language and rhetoric you use have a powerful impact on how persuasive your argument is. By employing persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices, you can enhance the overall effectiveness of your writing or speech.

Ensure you choose the right words to convey your ideas with precision and impact. Utilize strong and precise vocabulary to articulate your points convincingly. Avoid vague or ambiguous language that may weaken your arguments or leave room for misinterpretation.

Rhetorical devices help you appeal to your readers on different levels and establish a connection with them. Utilize pathos to evoke emotions, such as empathy or sympathy, and engage the reader's sentiments.

Incorporate logical reasoning through logos to present facts, statistics, and logical deductions. Additionally, establish credibility through ethos by showcasing your expertise or citing reputable sources.

What are logos, ethos, and pathos? They are techniques of persuasion, and they form a rhetorical triangle that speakers, writers, and advertisers use to craft compelling arguments:

  1. Pathos a appealing to emotions
  2. Logos a appealing to reasoning and arguments
  3. Ethos a appealing to your status and authority

(More details here.)

Anything else can you try to sound confident?

Enhance the persuasiveness of your arguments by employing persuasive techniques such as analogy or anecdote. The former helps simplify complex ideas by drawing comparisons, while the latter provides real-life examples that resonate with readers. Furthermore, structure your sentences and paragraphs effectively to create a compelling flow that maintains the reader's interest.


Implementing the above principles, you can boost your self-confidence as an argumentative writer and a pleasing interlocutor:

Understanding the topic and developing a comprehensive argument builds confidence in articulating your ideas effectively.

A well-structured argument provides clarity and direction, empowering you to communicate your thoughts confidently.

Employing persuasive language and rhetoric strengthens your case and bolsters your confidence in your writing abilities.

Applying these principles also enhances your overall soft skills:

Do you practice argumentative writing when journaling or posting on social media? Give it a try today a  and you'll see the boost in your mood and your audience's response.

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5 Simple Habits and Routines to Keep You Away from Depression and Stress

One of the major problems facing todayas generation is depression. Excessive workload, changing lifestyle, loneliness, and financial pressure all lead to stress which results in depression. You feel unhappy, non-productive and withdrawn when you are depressed. 

Many experts believe that establishing routines filled with healthy habits is a great way to move more efficiently through your day while expending less mental energy and even willpower in the process. Following simple routines like exercising, eating the right food, taking energy supplements, meditating, and getting sufficient sleep can help to manage stress and depression. 

Causes of Depression and Stress

There are many causes that can cause stress and depression. Some experts believe that stress and depression can happen as we get old. Here are some of the main causes that can lead to stress and depression:

A*       Stressful events a We go through many stressful events, such as work-related pressure, personal problems, and relationship breakdown. All of these events can trigger stress which can lead to depression. Talking about these issues can help to relieve stress. 

A*       Loneliness a Being cut out can cause a feeling of loneliness. A lack of social life can also lead to depression. Spending time with friends and family or joining a support growth can help you to feel better. 

A*       Bad lifestyle a Drowning your sorrows with alcohol is not a solution to your problem. Many people make lousy lifestyle decisions like excess alcohol and smoking, which can result in a spiral of depression.  

A*       Financial Problems a Many people go through financial problems. It causes stress, which can affect blood pressure. While financial issues are not easy to solve, seeking help regarding stress and depression can help to manage them successfully. 

Symptoms of Depression and Stress

Identifying the right symptoms for stress and depression is not as simple as it sounds. These are both psychological conditions which may not present right away. There arenat some tests that you can perform to figure out exactly how much stress someone is in. Having said that, let's try and understand some of the symptoms of depression and stress.

A*       Decrease energy and insomnia - Prolonged stress can cause chronic fatigue and disruptions in sleep, which may result in a lack of energy. Sleep depression can lead to a condition called insomnia. A lack of sleep can disturb mental health. Look for signs of fatigue and lack of energy.

A*       Loss of interest - Depression and stress can take the joy out of things that you love. If you find yourself losing interest in things you love, this could be a sign of increased stress and depression. 

A*       Anxiety a A classic sign of stress and depression is anxiety. Feeling anxious can increase heart rate, heavy sweating and rapid breathing. 

A*       Digestive issues a Stress has been found to be associated with causing digestive issues. This could lead to constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, as well as digestive disorders. There are other factors that also lead to digestive problems such as diet, bacteria, infections, and certain medications, so donat be quick to jump to conclusions.

5 Simple Habits and Routines to Keep You Away from Depression and Stress

A*       Exercise 

Everyone associates exercise with bodybuilding and fitness, but many people do not know that regular exercise can also help to manage stress and depression. Regular exercise helps to have a positive impact on moods. There are multiple physical activities that can help you to manage stress and depression. Activities like yoga, stretching, morning run, or sports are helpful in staying active.

Fitness helps to stay healthy. Staying healthy helps to reduce stress. Less stress leads to not having depression. Whether you can spend 20 min or one hour, make exercise a routine. You will observe the positive benefits of exercise in managing stress and depression.

A*       Healthy Diet 

When asked what is the best habit to develop in order to manage stress and depression, many experts recommend a healthy diet. Eating healthy can have multiple health benefits, such as controlling blood sugar levels, managing hormones, boosting immunity, and nourishment. Eating junk or unhealthy food can have an adverse effect on health which can lead to stress. 

Making a habit of eating healthy food is good for avoiding stress and depression. You can also include health supplements to bridge the nutrition gap. Including lots of vegetables and fruits is ideal for getting all the essential nutrients that the body needs. You can even prepare a diet plan which can make it easier to form a habit. 

A*       Meditation 

Doing meditation early in the morning has proven to be helpful in reducing stress and depression. Even 15 min of meditation can have a significant benefit on your stress levels. Meditation helps you channel your energy throughout the day to stay focused and motivated. 

The most popular way to meditate is to close your eyes and focus on your breaths. This helps to control blood pressure, thus reducing stress. 

A*       Hydration 

Staying hydrated is an excellent habit to avoid stress. Dehydration can affect cognitive function negatively. Dehydration also causes fatigue, symptoms of low mood, irritability and confusion. Make a habit of drinking water early in the morning, as you are a little dehydrated when you wake up. 

While hydration alone cannot help to cure the signs of depression and anxiety, it will certainly help to manage your energy levels which will keep you upbeat throughout the day. 

A*       Limit the use of technology

It is hard to imagine our life without the latest technology and devices. We are so dependent on technology that we use it for almost every daily function. This brings its challenges. Many experts have linked the use of a smartphone to an increase in stress and anxiety that lead to depression. 

Although it seems difficult, limiting the use of technology is vital to avoid stress and depression. Reducing the time on social media platforms can have positive benefits on your mental health. Make it a habit to spend only limited time on these platforms. Allot a certain number of hours to the use of technology daily and stick to it. You will see the stress levels go down dramatically.

Every good change happens through good habits. Stress and depression are serious issues affecting people, so developing good habits and routines can help long and stress-free. 

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Mysterious Makes You Attractive and Interesting

In the intricate art of human interaction, one element holds a peculiar allure: mystery. The unknown, the concealed, the enigmatic, these are the elements that infuse our lives with intrigue and charm. This article delves into the captivating world of mystery, exploring its ability to amplify our appeal and the practical ways in which we can cultivate an aura of mystery around ourselves.

The Magnetic Appeal of Mystery

Mankind has been perennially intrigued by the unseen and the unknown. From ancient myths to contemporary cinema, the concept of mystery has captivated our collective imagination. But what exactly makes mystery so attractive?

The Thrill of the Unseen

Human beings are innately inquisitive creatures. We are drawn towards the unexplored and the unexplained. When someone carries an air of mystery, it incites this natural curiosity, compelling us to learn more about them.

The Intrigue of Unpredictability

Mystery adds a dash of unpredictability to our interactions. When we don't disclose everything about ourselves, it leaves room for surprising revelations and unexpected depths, creating an emotionally engaging experience for others.

The Engagement of Imagination

Mystery invites others to engage their imagination to fill in the blanks. This active involvement of imagination makes an individual and their narrative more captivating and interesting.

The Stimulation of Novelty

Novelty and variety stimulate our brains. When we maintain an element of mystery, it infuses our interactions with novelty, keeping them fresh and stimulating.

The Allure of Differentiation

The mystery sets us apart from the predictable crowd. This differentiation is psychologically appealing and can enhance our social attraction.

The Depth of Connection

The gradual unveiling of our personality over time can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections. This slow self-disclosure can foster profound relationships.

The Excitement of Anticipation

Anticipation is a potent psychological motivator. When people are curious about you and what you might reveal next, they look forward to interactions with you with heightened interest.

The Power of Control

By controlling the information you disclose about yourself, you can maintain a sense of control in social interactions. This can boost your confidence and self-assurance.

Crafting Your Aura of Mystery: Practical Tips

Cultivating an aura of mystery requires a delicate balance. Here are some practical tips that can help you achieve this balance and enhance your appeal through mystery.

Moderate Self-Disclosure

While it's natural to share about ourselves, excessive self-disclosure can dilute our mystery. Striking a balance between sharing and withholding information can help maintain an intriguing aura.

Encourage Others to Share

People enjoy talking about themselves. Encourage them to share by asking questions and showing genuine interest. This not only keeps the spotlight on them but also makes you a more likable conversationalist.

Be Knowledgeable

Having a broad range of knowledge can help you keep conversations interesting and avoid awkward silences. It also sparks curiosity about how and why you possess such a wide array of information.

Engage in Topics of Their Interest

Showing a willingness to engage in topics of others' interest can bridge gaps and create connections. It can also make you a more engaging conversationalist and add to your mysterious appeal.

Make Others Feel Special

Making others feel special and valued can enhance your appeal. It introduces an element of unpredictability in your interactions, making you more intriguing.

Use Absence Wisely

While constant availability can decrease our value, strategic absence can enhance it. However, it's crucial not to disappear too soon or too often, as it might lead to being forgotten.


A warm, genuine smile can create a positive impression, making you appear more approachable and attractive. It adds to your overall appeal while keeping the mystery alive.

In the end, cultivating an aura of mystery is an art. It requires a delicate balance of revealing and concealing, of engaging and withdrawing, of knowing and learning. But when done right, it can greatly enhance your appeal, making every interaction with you a fascinating journey into the unknown.

Hi, my name is Ryoga. I'm a traveler and blogger, and I post content related to self-improvement on my blog. You can read this kind of article from here.

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5 Signs Youare Making Life Harder Than It Needs To Be

Life can all of a sudden get busy and stressful. And in todayas world, our stress levels are higher than ever. But many people are actually making their lives much harder than they need to be, all without realizing it. My nameas Freeman and Iam an international life coach whoas gone from surviving to thriving through simple but effective changes. Now I help others to do the same. So how do you know if youare making your life harder than it needs to be? Hereas a few simple signs that can help you understand yourself, as well as driving more self-awareness and positive change.

Sign 1. Youare life is driven by externals

Our modern world is monetised by capturing our attention. The aping, ding, and ringaa| Weare surrounded by notifications and information sent straight to the phone in our pockets. This global addiction is something we know damages our mental wellbeing and so itas critical to take a conscious awareness to technology. Iam not saying to chuck your phone in a lake, but bringing mindful balance to our usage (because we all love a good scroll sometimes) and making sure that youare also creating space for in-person connections.

Sign 2: Youare neglecting your self-care

In our fast-paced societies, hard work is perceived to be rewarded. Which leads many people to overworking themselves and often burning out. I used to follow an all-hours lifestyle, working all day and DJing all night, until one day my body began to break down. But you donat have to wait for the wake-up call. Integrating self-care can break the busyness pattern, whether thatas taking regular 5 minute meditations, treating yourself with a hot bath, or prioritising sleep. Investing in yourself first will make your life easier and more enjoyable in the long run.

Sign 3: Youare straying from authenticity

Weare constantly being told that we need to live in certain ways. Whether thatas working harder, earning more money, or getting married. Following other peopleas definition of success often sacrifices the dreams you actually want to achieve in life. And often people ignore their true calling deep-down to live a life thatas more arealistica. As Einstein said, aThe person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.a Living an inauthentic life only leaves you feeling unfulfilled and becomes a secret stress creator. I too used to be stuck in this trap, until I stepped out of my comfort zone, to experience solo travels and started my journey to living a life of possibility and purpose. You deserve to live authentically, too. Start by asking yourself, what is it that truly brings me joy?

Sign 4: Youare trying to avoid failures

Failure is something that our cultures have regularly demonised. But the truth is, with every success, there are plenty of failures. Even Thomas Edision failed a thousand times before he invented the light bulb. When we get to see that failure is just a healthy part of life, we get to play bigger. We become grateful for the valuable lessons that come to our journey.

Sign 5: You donat believe youare capable of great things

This can be a tough pill to swallow. Life isnat difficult because life itself is really difficult, but because we choose to believe life is difficult, consciously or subconsciously. What that means is you are the creator of your reality; either believing life is happening ato youa or life is happening afor youa, itas your choice. Start making powerful shifts by reflecting on your strengths. Build your self esteem through celebrating your wins. Believe that there is limitless potential to be realised within you.

If you find yourself living in survival mode, itas time to pause. It doesnat have to be this way. Thereas always a better way to transform your life. If youare feeling stuck and wanting support on making change, take a look at my book Travel to Transform

Freeman Fung (he/him) is an international author, speaker, and certified life coach who has advocated New Global Citizenship at TEDx, Mindvalley, world tourism forums, and more. Originally from Hong Kong, he left home solo at age 19 to live in Romania for a Global Village project, and subsequently embarked on a journey to travel and experience life in over 35 countries (and still counting). He is on a mission to awaken more world citizens, raise our global consciousness, and make the world a better place through personal transformations. Check out more from Freeman, here!

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The Reverse Engineer Technique to Master Productivity

(This article was reviewed by the licensed clinical psychologist Fouad Monzer)

Do you ever find yourself falling victim to procrastination, fighting the seduction of an enticing Netflix series, or succumb to the endless scroll of social media? 

We've all been there. In our quest to conquer these productivity killers, we can take a lesson from the brain's mighty motivator: dopamine. 

Whether youare postponing cleaning your room, working out, or any other task you wish to accomplish, your dopamine levels have something to do with that procrastination.

In this article, we'll delve into the role of dopamine, uncover its secrets, and explore how we can reverse engineer it to help us overcome procrastination and achieve peak productivity in our daily lives.

What is Dopamine?

To embark on this journey towards increasing our productivity, let's first understand dopamine. 

In the world of neuroscience, dopamine is a neurotransmitter often responsible for the "feel-good" feeling, as well as that of reward, pleasure, and motivation within our brains. 

It's the chemical messenger responsible for keeping us coming back for more of life's little joys. Think of it as the craving that fuels your drive to take action, that "feel-good" sensation when you accomplish something. 

For example, picture that rush of happiness and desire to dance when a catchy song comes on, or the sense of accomplishment and relaxation we feel after meditation a these are all healthy releases of dopamine.

Similar healthy releases of dopamine include:

The Dark Side of Dopamine

While dopamine is a productivity booster, it can also lead us down the path of procrastination. The issue arises when we fall prey to instant gratification, such as watching cute cat videos online or mindlessly scrolling through TikTok. 

These activities offer quick rushes of pleasure, and our brains quickly become addicted to them, simply because they are effortless and their reward is almost instant. 

The opposite of that would be delayed gratification, an action that requires a little bit more willpower.

When given a choice between an immediate reward, such as indulging in high-carb food or mindlessly scrolling on your phone, and a delayed one, like the long-term benefits of regular exercise or a skincare routine with results that take time to manifest, your brain tends to favor the habit of immediate gratification. 

This sets the stage for a never-ending cycle of procrastination, where we prioritize short-term satisfaction over long-term gains. 

How often have you found yourself postponing important tasks in favor of swiping on your phone or binge-watching Netflix? 

Both provide dopamine and satisfaction, but scrolling requires far less effort. It's much easier to move your fingers than to tackle chores or workouts.

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

You may have heard the advice, "Just put your phone away," but that's only a short-term solution, as well as not being helpful at all. The craving for dopamine will only lead you back to your phone. Instead, we need a more strategic approach. 

Setting a "phone curfew" or screen-time limits can help, but these can also be bypassed. Never underestimate the creativity of a brain when we feel lazy!  

We could try more extreme measures such as never entering the cycle in the first place. How? By re-designing our environment to put us in the best conditions possible to become productive. 

For example, if we always watch TV instead of cleaning our room, we could remove the TV from our room and relocate it somewhere else. If we always watch TikTok videos before sending important emails on our phones, we could remove the application completely. But that process is long and requires effort, commitment, and a great deal of willpower that we donat have at the moment. 

So, how exactly do we tackle laziness and procrastination effectively, if everything I mentioned wonat solve the problem?

There are many ways to get things done. If youare a woman looking for an innovative way to become productive, then the book How To Get Sh*t Done is a great way to start!

The Reverse Engineer Technique

Renowned neuroscientist Andrew Huberman talks about a remarkable side of dopamine. Beyond being the source of satisfaction, dopamine is also released during an action, particularly when we feel we're doing something right: aaDopamine is whatas released anytime an animal or human thinks it's on the right path, and thatas very subjectiveaa. 

Think of it as momentum a once you start releasing dopamine, it impacts your mood and motivation, pushing you to do more. This energy surge is similar to the euphoria after a workout or completing a challenging task. The sense of being on the right path fuels your desire for more. 

It's no wonder the saying "If you want something done, give it to someone busy" rings true. Once you start, you are a different person.

Now, armed with the knowledge that dopamine has a momentum effect, how can we leverage it to conquer procrastination and phone scrolling? Huberman's wisdom reveals that by doing something even more demanding than the task you're avoiding, you can propel yourself into a productive state. 

Picture this scenario: you're postponing room cleaning by aimlessly scrolling through your phone. To overcome this hurdle, engage in a task that you find enjoyable and more challenging. 

If you're into physical exercise, go for a run. If youare into literature, read a book.  The sheer accomplishment and the "right path" feeling associated with the challenging act release dopamine. We can all agree that running is more demanding than tidying a room. Once you've conquered the former, the latter will seem like a breeze, and you'll finish it in no time!

You can also engage in more mentally challenging exercises to start your dopamine momentum. Actions such as getting on an important phone call, organizing a trip, or contacting an old friend are all great examples.

The actions are not necessarily important, whatas important is to complete them! 

Steps to take to overcome laziness using the reverse-engineer technique:

  1. Realize that you are postponing an activity.
  2. Think of anything you like to do that is deemed challenging and engage in that activity (preparing a recipe, going for a run, re-arranging a part of your house).
  3. Once completed, use that momentum and short success to tackle your original postponed activity.
  4. Feel free to take on any task that comes to mind!


In your pursuit of conquering laziness and procrastination, understanding the role of dopamine in your brain can be a game-changer. 

By strategically outsmarting your brain with tasks that are both harder and enjoyable, you can unleash a surge of productivity that will empower you to breeze through your daily to-do list.

Remember, procrastination is a common struggle, and it's okay to confront it head-on. Implement the strategies outlined in this article, and be patient with yourself. 

Break free from the grip of laziness and procrastination, unlock your full potential, and achieve your goals. The next time you catch yourself mindlessly scrolling on your phone or indulging in Netflix, you'll know exactly what to do!


Check out more of Rayen's work at his blog: Ray's Lifestyle Field

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The Ultimate Guide to Superfoods: Nourishing the Brain Beyond Basics

Superfoods are nutrient-dense wonders that have captivated the modern world with their potential to revitalize our most important and complex organ, the brain. With gaining popularity the superfoods market is expected to be worth $165 billion in 2023 and grow at roughly 10.24% over the following 5 years. 

Donat be fooled thoughasuperfoods are much more than overpriced protein shakes and berries from the Amazon rainforest. Instead, itas an intricate mix of ancient traditions, modern scientific research, and innovative culinary practices. 

In this comprehensive article, we want to avoid the mainstream and dive deep into underappreciated superfoods, the science behind their impact on cognitive function, and practical ways to incorporate them into our daily lives. 

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

Ancient cultures have revered certain foods and herbs for their cognitive benefits over centuries, and have passed this wisdom down generation after generation. Modern science has recently begun to explore these beliefs, and better understand their properties and benefits at a much higher level. 

Ginkgo Biloba is Over 200 Million Years Old

Since its discovery, the aliving fossila has been a centerpiece of human medicine. It is the plant that survived the dinosaurs and has been revered for its medicinal properties since discovered. The potential of benefiting memory and cognitive function continues to be reinforced by research. Ginkgo Biloba is rich in flavonoids and terpenoids that help combat oxidative stress, improving blood flow to the brain and protecting against neurodegenerative disorders. 

Lion's Mane Mushrooms and Neural Networks

The Lion's Mane mushroom has had an almost viral ascent over the past decade. This mushroom has been used traditionally in Chinese medicine; and has compounds that stimulate the production of nerve growth factors. Preliminary studies suggest it may support brain health by promoting neuronal growth, reducing inflammation, and defending against neurodegenerative diseases.

Ashwagandha and Adaptogenic Properties

An ancient Ayurvedic tradition, Ashwagandha has become a modern staple for people worldwide. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, as it's rich in withanolides. Ashwagandha is believed to help protect cells from free radicals, by utilizing its adaptogenic properties. Emerging studies have also hinted at Ashwagandhas's potential for neural growth and even to combat the symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

The Top 5 Underappreciated Superfoods

In the realm of cognitive function, polyphenols play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress, supporting neural communication, and fostering brain plasticity. They are naturally occurring compounds found predominantly in plants and are revered for their high antioxidant capacity. 

Here is a short list of 5 underappreciated and less talked about superfoods thatall give you the polyphenol boost you need:

Green Tea

Long venerated in Asian cultures as a beverage, in ceremony, and in daily practice, green tea is packed with catechins, antioxidants that traverse the blood-brain barrier, enhancing cognitive function. Green tea also contains a modest amount of caffeine, which, in tandem with its L-theanine content, offers a balanced boost of alertness and energy without jitters.

Dark Chocolate

Always a joy for the palate and the brain, dark chocolate has a high cacao content and is packed with flavanols. These compounds are recognized for enhancing blood flow to the brain, increasing cognitive function.  


Often dubbed 'green gold,' avocado is a rich source of healthy Omega 3 fats. Regular consumption supports overall brain health and cognitive functions. It's also packed with folate and vitamin K, both nutrients are pivotal for cognitive functions and preventing blood clots in the brain.

Coconut Oil

Containing medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), coconut oil has been highlighted for its potential role in cognitive awareness and function. It offers a quick energy source, which could be especially beneficial in conditions like Alzheimer's, where glucose metabolism is impaired.

Walnuts and Flaxseed

These aren't just crunchy additions to your salads, cereal, and baked goods. These superfoods are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid, that offers a variety of neuroprotective benefits. Regularly including these in your diet can pave the way for enhanced cognitive functions and possibly deter the onset of neurodegenerative conditions.

The Symbiotic Relationship of Gut and Brain Health

Modern science has illuminated the intricate connections between our digestive system and brain. The gut, often termed the "second brain," is critical to many aspects of our health, including the mind. Our intestinal flora, a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, plays a crucial role in digesting food, producing vitamins, and warding off infections. 

Recent revelations have highlighted a direct communication line between the gut and the brain. Imbalances in the gut microbiome can influence mood disorders and cognitive health issues throughout the body. Foods rich in probiotics, like yogurt and fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, improve gut health and influence mood and cognitive function. 

Beyond aiding digestion, fiber-rich foods like lentils, beans, and whole grains can modulate the gut flora. A balanced gut flora is vital for mental well-being, potentially influencing stress, anxiety, and even depressive symptoms. The mind-body connection is real, and it starts with understanding gut health and making better choices overall. 

Better Brain Health on a Budget

In today's health-conscious world, there's often a misconception that nourishing your brain has to come with a hefty price tag. However, with some savvy strategies and ingenuity, you can feed your brain its needs without breaking the bank.

Seasonal and Local Shopping

One of the best ways to acquire affordable superfoods is to focus on those in-season. Not only are in-season foods fresher and richer in nutrients, and tastier, but are also more abundantly available, which drives prices down. Moreover, venturing into local farmer's markets can lead you to a goldmine of affordable selectionsajust know what you're looking for. 

The Power of Preservation

Frozen sections in grocery stores are often overlooked when searching for superfoods. Yet, many frozen varieties, especially berries and green veggies, retain most nutrients and can be just as effective for brain health. They also come with the added advantage of longer shelf lives and often lower prices. 

Plant Based Home-Grown

Growing superfoods can be fulfilling and cost-effective if you have a green thumb or even just some extra space. Herbs like rosemary, sage, and turmeric are known for their brain-boosting properties and can thrive in pots on a sunny windowsill. Similarly, veggies such as spinach and kale can be grown in backyard plots or containers.

Staying Informed Buying with Bonuses

The world of superfoods is ever-evolving. What might be a costly trend today might be replaced by a more affordable yet equally potent alternative tomorrow. Many organic food stores and specialized shops offer enticing incentives to make the switch more affordable. 

From significant discounts to loyalty programs, these establishments are making it easier than ever to nourish your brain. Some even offer sign-up bonuses for first-time buyers, providing a cost-effective way to jumpstart your journey into the world of brain-boosting superfoods. 

Likewise, before you dive into the world of superfoods head-first, make sure you find affordable options that come as a byproduct of ethical farming, as there have been reports of exploitation related to avocados, acai berries, and more.  


As we stand at the crossroads of ancient tradition and groundbreaking technologies, it's evident that our past still holds the key to our future. And in researching longevity and the desire for an active and healthy life, nutrition emerges as our ally. 

We broke down the benefits of the 5 most overlooked superfoods and how to introduce them into our diet seamlessly, as well as the juxtaposition between age-old wisdom and cutting-edge science by showcasing humanity's continuous journey towards holistic well-being. 

Incorporating them into our diets is more than just a trend; it's a testament to the profound ways our dietary choices can shape the health and vitality of our minds.A

Nahla Davies is a software developer and tech writer. Before devoting her work full time to technical writing, she managedaamong other intriguing thingsato serve as a lead programmer at an Inc. 5,000 experiential branding organization whose clients include Samsung, Time Warner, Netflix, and Sony

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Preventing Burnout: Self-Care Practices for Client Wellbeing

Understanding and addressing burnout has become imperative for maintaining mental health in today's fast-paced world. This guide empowers individuals with tools and strategies to prevent burnout and cultivate a balanced life. Delve into the science of burnout, discover the pivotal role of self-care, and equip yourself with practical techniques to achieve optimal Well-being.

The Science of Burnout

Unveiling the psychology behind burnout entails exploring its familiar signs and symptoms and comprehending the profound toll it can take on mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Recognizing these indicators is the first step toward taking charge of your well-being.

The Role of Self-Care in Preventing Burnout

1. Assessing Work-Life Balance and Setting Boundaries

Balancing personal and professional life is essential. Learn practical ways to set boundaries, manage your roles, and prioritize self-nurturing activities like breaks, vacations, and time off. By doing so, you'll create a safeguard against burnout's grip.

2. Developing a Regular Self-Care Routine

Discover the transformative power of self-care routines. Personalize a plan that caters to your unique needs, incorporating activities targeting physical, emotional, and mental health. By making self-care a daily habit, you'll build resilience and maintain your inner equilibrium.

3. Practicing Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques

Unlock the secrets of mindfulness. Through breathing exercises, meditation, and relaxation techniques, you'll cultivate self-awareness and build a sturdy emotional foundation, shielding you from burnout's toll.

4. Building a Support Network

Forge connections that fortify your emotional well-being. We explore the pivotal role of social relations in preventing burnout and provide strategies for nurturing and sustaining a robust support system that bolsters you during challenging times.

Practical Self-Care Strategies for Busy Professionals

1. Planning and Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

Master the art of time management to conquer your workload efficiently. Overcome procrastination, maintain motivation, and regain control over your professional life.

2. Establishing Healthy Habits

Integrate exercise, nutrition, and sleep into your daily routine. Create an environment that promotes productivity and fuels your overall health, serving as a defense against burnout.

3. Developing Hobbies and Interests Outside of Work

Explore the transformative effects of personal passions. Investing time in hobbies and interests outside of work will rejuvenate your spirit and cultivate a work-life balance that enhances your resilience.

Addressing Burnout in the Workplace

1. Recognizing the Signs of Burnout in Coworkers and Clients

Learn to identify signs of burnout in those around you and discover how to offer support and assistance when needed.

2. Employer's Role in Preventing Burnout

Uncover the role organizations play in preventing burnout. We delve into effective policies and measures, as well as the promotion of self-care practices to foster a healthier work environment.

3. Creating a Workplace Culture that Values Wellbeing

Transform your workplace culture into one that values mental health and overall well-being. Collaboration between employers and employees can create a more balanced, productive, and satisfying work experience.

Final Thought

In the journey toward preventing burnout and nurturing your well-being, remember the significance of self-care. By embracing the insights and strategies shared here, you have the power to rewrite your story. By practicing mindfulness, setting boundaries, and fostering positive relationships, you'll protect yourself from burnout and pave the way for a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Make self-care a priority, and witness its profound impact on your overall happiness and success.


Stacy Bryant is a passionate advocate for mental health and holistic well-being. She adds significant value by crafting insightful articles and compelling content for McDowell Counseling & Associates, a specialist provider of expert counseling services. In addition to this, Stacy also serves as the Content Manager at SpringHive Web Design Agency. Here, she excels as a dedicated content writer, using her expertise to create engaging narratives that captivate audiences and contribute to their brand identity. Stacy Bryant's dedication to promoting mental wellness shines through in her writing, effectively merging her advocacy, counseling insights, and creative prowess to positively impact individuals and communities alike.

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The post The Rocky Road for Theatre through the Pandemic with Steven Kunis appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Video: Forget the Career Ladder a Start Creating Assets

I hope this finds you as well as can be. Here in the UK weare bracing for what we are assured will be a large wave of Omicron. I know things may be very different for you, depending on where you are in the world. But whatever the circumstances, I hope you are finding your […]

The post Video: Forget the Career Ladder a Start Creating Assets appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

My new podcast (and why itas the opposite of The 21st Century Creative)

Today is the launch of my new podcast, and itas something Iave been planning and dreaming of sharing with you for years. Itas called A Mouthful of Air. And in several ways, itas the opposite of my 21st Century Creative podcast. I designed the two shows to work together from the start, although it’s taken […]

The post My new podcast (and why itas the opposite of The 21st Century Creative) appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Ideas Are Leprechauns

Last night I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered an idea Iad had for an article a few months ago. Though I say so myself, it was a great idea, and I was keen to revisit it, so I opened up the Scrivener project where I had written it downa| and […]

The post Ideas Are Leprechauns appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Michael Bungay Stanier, a returning guest whose interview way back in Season 1 proved very popular. And his book The Coaching Habit turned out to be even more popular, as it went on to sell three quarters of a million copies. Michael is back with some excellent […]

The post Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Every Creative Project Is a Revolving Door

A lot of productivity advice tells us that we need to stop procrastinating, beat Resistance, and get things done. The Americans like to talk about ashippinga, meaning finished and sent out for delivery. This emphasis on getting things done and out to market is part of their extraordinary entrepreneurial culture. Famously, Guy Kawasaki even said […]

The post Every Creative Project Is a Revolving Door appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The 21st Century Illustrator with Krystal Lauk

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Krystal Lauk, an illustrator who took an unconventional path by creating illustrations for tech companies, and founded a studio that counts Google, Uber, Facebook and The New York Times among its clients. Itas a fascinating story of discovery and enterprise at what Krystal calls athe intersection of […]

The post The 21st Century Illustrator with Krystal Lauk appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

You Have to be Bad to Get Good

Iave recently started taking one-to-one Japanese conversation lessons. It hasnat been easy. In fact, itas been a bit of a humbling experience. Between work and family responsibilities, I only have 30 minutes a day to study Japanese, and Iave spent this time every day for the past two years memorising kanji characters, vocabulary and grammar […]

The post You Have to be Bad to Get Good appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Writing a World-Changing Book with Cynthia Morris

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Cynthia Morris, a coach for creatives who shares insights on the book-writing process, based on her latest book The Busy Womanas Guide to Writing a World-Changing Book. So if you are contemplating writing a book – whether itas your first one or your twenty-first – there is […]

The post Writing a World-Changing Book with Cynthia Morris appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The Art of Overhearing Yourself

If you think about overhearing something, you probably think of listening to someone elseas conversation, whether deliberately or accidentally, and picking up a titbit of information that you would never otherwise have been privy to. It might be funny, or shocking or useful, or – as in the case of so many loud phone calls […]

The post The Art of Overhearing Yourself appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The Adventure of Writing with Emily Kimelman

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Emily Kimelman, a thriller author who has travelled the world in a boat and criss-crossed the USA in an Airstream trailer while writing and publishing her books, and selling hundreds of thousands of copies in the process. Emilyas adventurous spirit shines through in her writing as well […]

The post The Adventure of Writing with Emily Kimelman appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Keyword Selected: devices

11 insider tricks for the tech you use every day

Technology expert Kim Komando gives her tips and tricks on enhancing your user experience a smartphone and other devices you use everyday.

The AI camera stripping away privacy in the blink of an eye

A new camera called NUCA uses artificial intelligence to create deepfake photos of subjects by stripping away clothing in close to real time.

This off-road teardrop trailer adds luxury camping to the most remote locations

The Kimberley Kube trail-ready camper has a compact but spacious design and combines luxury, functionality and ruggedness for a weekend getaway.

Fox News AI Newsletter: AI predicts your politics with single photo

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

Tired of getting those mysterious password reset emails? Hereas what to do about it

Emails instructing you to reset your password for an account may be legitimate, or they may be scams. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains.

New stealthy submarine glider set for autonomous undersea missions

Northrop Grumman's Manta Ray uncrewed underwater vehicle aims to revolutionize undersea missions a it glides through the ocean without human assistance.

Get a handle on your time: Google Calendar tips and tricks

Learn how to work Google's calendar application to streamline and organize your daily tasks from technology expert Kim Komando.

How to remove Facebook access to your photos

If you do not want Facebook to have automatic access to your private photos, follow our tips to protect yourself. Kurt aCyberGuy" Knutsson shows you how.

How to turn your iPhone into instant foreign language translator

Kurt aCyberGuy" Knutsson goes into detail about Appleas recent iOS update that allows iPhone users to instantly translate spoken language simply by using the Action Button.

Tidy up your tech: Spring-cleaning tips for safeguarding your data

Safeguarding your digital life with a reliable physical backup isn't just a precaution, it's a necessity. Kurt aCyberGuy" Knutsson provides the essential backup checklist.

The troubling truth about our country's recycling programs

Kurt aCyberGuy" Knutsson reveals how a Redditor exposed false recycling claims at their apartment, highlighting a report that only 21% of U.S. recyclables are processed.

5 great tips for planning your next travel getaway

Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson offers a travel toolkit featuring five technology tools to help you with booking flights and hotels for your summer vacation.

The secret meaning of your iPhone clockas 4 different colors

The bubble behind the clock on your iPhone can appear in different colors. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains what each of those colors mean.

Can AI help someone stage a fake kidnapping scam against you or your family?

Scammers are using the power of artificial intelligence to mimic voices of people and are using the fake voices to commit crimes, like kidnappings.

Fox News AI Newsletter: Star singer fights AI

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

How this new crazy invisibility tech can literally make you disappear

Tech guru Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains the science behind the Invisibility Shield, a 6-foot shield that makes people become invisible.

Olympic organizers announce plans to use AI in sports ahead of Paris games

The International Olympic Committee on Friday announced plans to use AI in various Olympic aspects, including athlete identification, training and judging.

How to zoom in and out on PC

Tech guru Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains an easy trick to avoid squinting while working or surfing the web by zooming in on your personal computer.

Over half a million Roku accounts compromised in second cybersecurity breach

Streaming giant Roku has recently been targeted by a pair of cyberattacks, and the company confirmed over a half million Roku accounts were compromised.

This crazy 2-in-1 electric vehicle comes equipped with 2-seat aircraft hidden inside

The Land Aircraft Carrier combines an all-terrain, six-wheeled vehicle with a two-seat aircraft, which features electric vertical takeoff and landing.

European Union has requested details surrounding TikTok's newest app that has quietly been released in the EU

The European Union has sent TikTok a "request for information" on the video sharing platform's newest app, TikTok Lite, under the Digital Services Act, with the aim to clean up social media.

Fox News AI Newsletter: Doctor's groundbreaking surgery

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

Nationwide alert: SMS phishing attacks target toll road customers

The FBI is warning the public about a recent phishing scam via text that claims its targets owe money in Pennsylvania for unpaid road toll charges.

Change this Apple Music setting ASAP to protect your privacy

Your Apple Music settings may be revealing to your contacts what you're listening to. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson explains the process to change those settings.

Watch out for the new aghost hackersa

Learn how to secure social media accounts, implement legacy contacts, and create a digital estate plan to protect your online assets from 'ghost hackers' after your death.

Here’s All the Countries With TikTok Bans as Platform’s Future in U.S. Hangs In Balance

Over 30 countries have imposed restrictions on the social media platform.

Inside Googleas Plans to Combat Misinformation Ahead of the E.U. Elections

'Prebunking' is Google's latest effort to combat misinformation ahead of the E.U. elections

Tech CEOs Say Ethical A.I. and Innovation Are aTwo Sides of the Same Coina

CEOs of start-ups and big tech companies spoke at the TIME100 Summit about innovating with artificial intelligence in an ethical way.

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